About Me

My photo
Based in Northampton, UK, I live with my husband Adam, our Cocker Spaniel Bruno and Deeley the Bengal cat. I work full time as a Creative Artist / 3D Designer and part-time with my creative endeavours. I hope you'll enjoy reading about my work and other random ramblings, from the satisfying successes to the catastrophic failures! Still, it's all good fun, which is kind of the whole point really...

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

There's a new kid on the block!

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post!  Things have been chugging along at a slow and steady pace recently, up until the last few weeks when production has gone into overdrive.

And here is the reason, meet:
Very Little One

This is Very Little One, a stablemate scale version of Little One, the small-traditional scale model released last year.  I had intended to create a mini version from the beginning and after Little One sold out so quickly I had wanted to get the mini out sooner.

I originally planned on having the model 3D laser scanned, as my career job (as opposed to my creative "job" with the models/artwork) is very heavily involved with 3D technology, however, for all our technological wizardry, I've not yet found a decent scanner easily available in this country!  So I eventually sculpted this mini from scratch and it is a pretty faithful representation of the larger model, I just wish I'd done this sooner!

Very Little One is available now, and today I completed the base for it too, which is available as an option.  Details on the model are on Model Horse Sales Pages and I'll be posting photos of the base on there tomorrow when I can get some nicely lit photos.

  • Edition details: 250 resin casts*, 200 of which will be white, 25 baby pink and 25 baby blue.  I've listed all the models with the coloured ones mixed in and as paid orders come in the coloured models are allocated, so it's quite random and unpredictable (unless you buy five or ten!).  I decided to complicate things like this, as casting hundreds of white resin models can become quite tedious, so adding a splash of colour keeps my motivation up as well as adding a little bit of fun and some nice surprises to the edition.  All of the models can be painted in the regular way, and are all covered by my "good resin guarantee" (details can be provided on request as my website is currently under construction).  *I may cast a small number of metal, clear or special resin copies in different colours to those listed above, I jut can't help myself sometimes!
  • Price details: £16, €20 or $25 for each foal.  There is an optional base which is an additional £6, €8 or $10 (if the symbols don't display on your email, that is 16 GB Pounds, 20 Euros or 25 US dollars - I usually sell an equal amount of models to the UK, Europe and the US so have to cover all bases.  Outside of these areas please contact me, but it will be the US prices)
  • Postage details: £3, €4 or $6 for up to two foals including bases.  Please add 50p, €1 or $1 for each additional model (inc. base).  All foals will be packaged with extra special care.
  • Payment details: please contact me to arrange all payments, but note that you are welcome to pay in either $ US dollars, € Euros or £ GBP, regardless of your location.
  • Dates: Casting is in progress, however I have a week's holiday shortly so am holding off the start of posting until mid October.
  • Charity: I have allocated a number of models and donated them to my chosen fundraisers, TIBBP.  They will be under the control of TIBBP's super-mom Janice Williford.  Unfortunately I cannot offer any further copies as show donations at this point, however the Live Shows I attend may well receive a copy for their raffle :o)
I think that's everything covered, if you'd like to order a model or ask any questions, just reply to this blog (if you receive them by email) or please contact me via the MH$P page here.

Finally, here is a size comparison between the original Little One (missing an ear unfortunately!), and Very Little One.  For more photos please check out my Picasa album here, I'll be adding more photos as aften as I can.

Finally I would like to thank everyone that has already ordered their Very Little Ones, and everyone that ordered a Little One model last year or indeed any of my creations.  Your continued interest in my work is wondeful motivation!