Last week, well just over a week ago now I attended Deb Davis' Live Show held in Northampton's Rothersthorpe Hall, called Mini's Mania. As the name suggests, this was a show for models up to "Mini Haggis Size". The perfect place to showcase Very Little One!
There were some fantastic models on display (the lighting is notoriously difficult for photography at Rothersthorpe, so please excuse my awful photos), including no less than THREE "Kick the Can" resins sculpted and painted (I believe) by Tammy Myrold:
There were also a good number of models painted by the UK superstar finishwork artist, Naomi Coffin (or "Nell"), such as this gorgeous SMB Vixen:
I brought along the three copies of Very Little One that are painted, I had pre-arranged one sale and the Cremello was instantly snapped up as soon as it was unwrapped. So as a result of this all three VLO models were shown by three different people. Also, as the Youngstock AR section had been expanded all three models just so happened to be shown in three different classes too! The wonderful result of this is that ALL THREE Very Little Ones won a first place in their classes! This means that all three have qualified to be shown at both the UK championship shows, the BMECs and LEMS.
The Cremello had a fantastic day - not only winning it's class (Light Breed Youngstock - shown as an Akhal Teke) but also winning first place in the Workmanship class for "Other Colour", which also qualifies it to enter the Workmanship classes at LEMs, and also the UK Workmanship classes at Lems as it was painted by UK artist Deb Brown. I think the pale blue card is for BMECs (previously MECs) Workmanship too.
I can't explain how thrilled I am about these results, it bodes well for Very Little One's future and has really given me a boost.
Just to show how versatile the models is, the collector that had the Pinto Very Little One (also painted by Deb Brown) went on to use it's base for another model in a separate section - this super-sweet CM Breyer donkey by Janice Williford had everyone "aww"ing wen they saw it.
Now that the initial surge for VLO has passed and I have been able to cast enough models to tide me over for a while, I can start thinking about the next release. Three years ago (I'm shocked it's been so long!!) I created a set of Christmas models based on my first ever resin release, Lawrence, Claude and Baldy (they were released in resin in 2006). I've been wanting to offer a new Christmas model each year but obviously haven't managed that so far!
This year though, I have something to offer, it is a model I cast over 350 copies of last year (hence the lack of Christmas model then, I was super-busy casting!!) for the Midwinter's Night Ball 2010 show held by Shannon Southard, they were given as prizes at the show. I reserved the rights to produce it as a Christmas special this year in a limited run should I wish, and given that I've not seen a single one for sale since last year (I'm hoping this is because those who won them liked them enough to keep them), I think a few more are in order!
If you're curious to see what the model is, do a search on my blog for "Snowflake" and see what you come up with. I'll blog more about this soon. I'm planning a run of up to 20 copies, probably less, as with the nights drawing in I have less time to cast and Christmas is drawing in fast! Here's a look at a couple of the finishes I'm planning to use, all of the medallions will be split finish like the last Christmas models I did, but the colours will vary much more. I'll cast at least some of the edition to order, as everyone has different preferences on colour, expecially when we start talking Christmas decorations!