About Me

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Based in Northampton, UK, I live with my husband Adam, our Cocker Spaniel Bruno and Deeley the Bengal cat. I work full time as a Creative Artist / 3D Designer and part-time with my creative endeavours. I hope you'll enjoy reading about my work and other random ramblings, from the satisfying successes to the catastrophic failures! Still, it's all good fun, which is kind of the whole point really...

Monday 3 August 2009

Many Many Little Ones!

Well, I've been casting away like fury this week and am pleased to say that the 100 copies of Little One will be achieved. Moreso, the mold is holding out exceptionally well (considering I had orginially hoped for just 35 copies from each!) and I think I may have a few more copies available by the time the mold finally gives in. Here's a photo of where I'm at so far (these are all RAW casts, I have to tidy them up yet so if they look a little rough it's because I've not got them ready to go just yet).

In the above photo, there are 87 copies of Little One, also there is the original (on the right hand side, next to the dark grey copy), three seconds which is (thankfully) all I've had, and one copy I decided to pigment in grey (which I'll keep): and a bunch of models I've been casting alongside Little One to use up any surplus resin I mix (I hate wasting materials!). 10 copies of Little One have already sold and been given to their new owners at the Live Show I went to a couple of weeks ago, which means I have already cast 97 good copies of the model! The mold is still looking as good as new so I'm really confident I'll be able to increase the edition from the 100 I've currently limited it to, though I don't know by how many.

If you'd like to be informed when any additional casts become available, drop me an email to savagebyname @ hotmail.com (remove spaces) as I'm keeping a no obligation reservation list and will be informing the people on the list first, should any additional casts come after the 100.

You may have noticed in the above photo that one of the models appears slightly different to the rest, if you look to the left hand side of the photo you might be able to see that one is a very slightly different colour...

This is what I call an "Opel" model. It is made from the same resin as all of the others, but due to a combination of (for want of a better word) "errors", I find that about one copy out of 100 comes out this intriguing colour. I won't sell this copy, I'll hang on to this one as I don't know if the resin will go a bit odd over time, but also because I regard them as a bit of a lucky charm. The model truly comes out an opel colour, translucent with lots of diffuse colours mixed in there. You never know when an Opel model will pop up, this is only the third I've cast (one Fly Fishing and One Pickle V2 came out opel) and I have to admit there's something a little magical about discovering one!

1 comment:

jaimebaker said...

Look at all the wittle bebes!!!!!!!! Can't wait to get this little guy. He makes me smile:) Congrats on the success Kelly!

Jaime Baker