About Me

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Based in Northampton, UK, I live with my husband Adam, our Cocker Spaniel Bruno and Deeley the Bengal cat. I work full time as a Creative Artist / 3D Designer and part-time with my creative endeavours. I hope you'll enjoy reading about my work and other random ramblings, from the satisfying successes to the catastrophic failures! Still, it's all good fun, which is kind of the whole point really...

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Union Jack goes Clinky - You heard it here first!

Yup, this is a blog-exclusive!  I have decided to go ahead with something that I hope will be welcomed by all you clinky collectors and felt I should reveal all here first…

Union Jack is to be cast in earthenware china!!


I hope this is music to your ears, this is the first time I’ve taken the risk of having a china edition cast (Joanie bought the rights to Little One and took all the risk from me) and I’m anxiously excited about it.

The price is set at £175, which is about $280.  Complex colours will be a little more and there may be a base as an optional extra. I’d like to hear any feedback on these details.

The first five paid in full copies get $20 off (2 are already gone so 3 remain at this discounted price).

Time payments will be available, copies will be delivered in the order they are paid in full.  Reservations can only be taken with a deposit.

The edition size will be either approx. 30 or 60 copies as each mold is good for around 30 casts, I will only have a second mold made if there is demand and will cap the edition at 60 copies even if he proves more popular.

Donna Chaney of Animal Artistry will be casting this edition and her talented glazing artist will bring the models to life.  Each copy will be glazed to order so there are no limits to the colour you can choose!

If you’re interested in ordering a copy or would like to send me some feedback, please email me if you have my details or contact me using the Contact Kelly page of my website.  You can also contact me via my Facebook Studio Page.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Happy New Year. Um….

..OK, perhaps a little late with that salutation, as I am with this post, five months late in fact!  I’ve no excuse, I’ll try to try harder!

So, I have SO much to tell you about, I’m going to skip back to September and go through what’s been happening since then.

The aftermath of the Hullabaloo was in full force, the 162 copies had been supplied to Utterly Horses (the last few are on sale at the mo at a fantastic price too!) at the show but now the task of casting the remaining 50 copies that had sold online while I was at the event was under way.


I had a lot of trouble with the rubber I was using.  My molds didn’t last as well as they should have (this is a conversation I will be having with my supplier soon!).  In all, I had to make TEN molds (sorry, I totally Americanise this word but using “mould” in a blog that also goes to the US grosses out more people that using “mold” as an English person does).


Several years ago when I was casting the 250 copies of Very Little One (and about 150 bases) I swore I’d never cast that many models as an edition again.

Well, fate transpired against me but I’m pretty confident in saying that I will never, EVER cast that many again!  Casting 250 VLOs over 18 months was one thing, but casting over 212 (including 2nds) copies of Union Jack in just eight weeks very nearly finished me off!

BUT, I did it!  They have all been cast and sent off to their new homes and I’ve been delighted to see some lovely painted copies appearing.

This is not the end for Union Jack though – keep watching as I have further plans for him including a mini-bust and…. well now, you’ll just have to check back later (or subscribe using one of the links on the right of the blog web-page) to hear more on this!

I’ll finish with my New Year’s Resolution, which fulfils itself in the fact that it is just one word:


This is my 2013 mantra and so far, so good!  I hope 2013 has started well for you, I have big (BIG) plans and a great feeling about the next 12 (er, 11) months!

More on what’s been happening and about my multiple plans for this year coming soon!