About Me

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Based in Northampton, UK, I live with my husband Adam, our Cocker Spaniel Bruno and Deeley the Bengal cat. I work full time as a Creative Artist / 3D Designer and part-time with my creative endeavours. I hope you'll enjoy reading about my work and other random ramblings, from the satisfying successes to the catastrophic failures! Still, it's all good fun, which is kind of the whole point really...

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Very Little Lady

Just a little update today, the little Broodmare has gone from this:


To this:



…and from this:


…to this:


It’s like a game of spot the difference isn’t it!  I’ve made lots of subtle changes, removed the n/s rear leg and reattached, partly reworked the o/s rear leg, adjusted all four hooves, worked a bit on her underside, her shoulders and her neck.  I’ve removed her forelock too.  I’m hoping to complete her tail today, at the moment her off side is looking much less complete than her near side, mainly because of the lack of tail there but the back leg is less complete than the other one purely due to my constantly accidentally squishing the clay I put on it (some people never learn, sigh!).

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